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    It is a method of assisted reproduction that will help intended parents to start a family when they otherwise could not. Parents pursue surrogacy for several reasons and come from different backgrounds. All parents work with a gestational surrogate, a woman who would carry a child to term for them.

    There are two types of surrogacy arrangements

    Gestational Surrogacy: In this method, the gestational carrier has no genetic connection to the child. Through an In vitro fertilization (IVF), embryos are created in a lab (sometimes with the use of an egg donor) and are transferred into the surrogate mother’s uterus.

    Traditional Surrogacy: In a traditional surrogacy arrangement, a surrogate becomes pregnant with the use of her own eggs.

    Whether you choose traditional or gestational surrogacy, expect the process to take anywhere between 14 to 18 months before you are holding your baby in your hands. We’ll take a closer look at what sets Amrutha Fertility Center apart and why it may be the perfect choice for your journey towards parenthood through surrogacy.

    Becoming a Surrogate Mother

    Prior to being approved to become a surrogate mother, a woman must first undergo medical and psychological testing in order to ensure that she is healthy enough to proceed to give birth. This typically involves a thorough evaluation that is oftentimes performed by the staff at a surrogacy institution.

    Once the woman has been approved and accepted into the surrogacy program at an institution, the agency will begin to suggest her services to potential individuals or couples with whom she may make a good fit.

    And when a potentially match has been determined, both the surrogate mother and the biological parent or parents of the child will meet in person. This will help move the process along in terms of determining an appropriate comfort level for moving forward.

    Steps Involved in the Process

    The surrogacy treatment process at Amrutha Fertility Center involves the following steps:

    1. First, the intended parents and surrogate meet with the center’s staff to discuss their respective roles and expectations.
    2. Next, the surrogate undergoes a comprehensive medical evaluation to ensure she is physically able to carry a pregnancy.
    3. Once cleared by the medical team, the surrogate is matched with the intended parents based on their preferences.
    4. The legal team then prepares all necessary contracts and agreements between the parties.
    5. The surrogate then undergoes fertility treatments to help her become pregnant with the embryo created using the intended parents’ eggs and sperm.
    6. Once pregnant, the surrogate carries and delivers the baby for the intended parents. After delivery, she hands over custody of the child to them.

    Requirements for Surrogacy Treatment

    If you’re considering surrogacy to grow your family, you may have many questions about the process. At Amrutha Fertility Center, we want to make sure you have all the information you need to feel confident in your decision.

    Here are the requirements for surrogacy treatment at our center:

    • You must be between the ages of 21 and 45.
    • You must have a BMI of 30 or less.
    • You must have had at least one previous successful pregnancy.
    • You must be a non-smoker.
    • You must be free of any sexually transmitted diseases.
    • You must not have any major health problems.

    If you meet all of these requirements, we would be happy to discuss further steps with you and help you begin the surrogacy process. Please contact us today to learn more about how we can help you grow your family through surrogacy.


    What is surrogacy?

    In surrogacy, a woman agrees to carry and deliver a baby for another couple or individual. The surrogate mother may be related or unrelated to the child she is carrying.

    Who can use surrogacy?

    Couples who are unable to conceive a child on their own due to medical reasons may opt for surrogacy. This includes couples with fertility problems, same-sex couples, and single men or women.

    How does the surrogacy process work?

    In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother is artificially inseminated        with the father’s sperm. In gestational surrogacy, embryos created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) are implanted into the surrogate mother’s uterus. In both cases, the surrogate mother carries and delivers the baby for the intended parents.

    How is a surrogate mother chosen?

    A surrogate mother can be a friend, family member, or someone who is found through a surrogacy agency. The intended parents and surrogate mother should discuss expectations and establish a strong relationship before beginning the surrogacy process.